The line-oriented PYX format used by pyxie is language-independent, and tools are available for several languages.
pyxie 所使用的基于行的PYX格式是不受语言限制的,其工具适用于几种语言。
The pyxie module is built on top of Python's standard XML support and provides additional high-level interfaces to an XML document.
The [pyxie] module is built on top of the PyXML distribution from the XML-SIG, and provides additional high-level interfaces to an XML document.
模块从XML-SIG构建到PyXML 发行版之上,它为XML 文档提供了附加的高级接口。
Pyxie does two basic things: it transforms XML documents to a more easily parsed line-oriented format; and it provides methods to treat an XML document as a walkable tree.
Pyxie does two basic things: it transforms XML documents to a more easily parsed line-oriented format; and it provides methods to treat an XML document as a walkable tree.