Adequate and meeting qualitative characteristic accounting information produced by enterprises needs an efficient accounting information market.
By using this simple model, the quantity of calculation can be reduced notably, then catch the qualitative characteristic response of VLFS by and large.
Thus, materiality provides a threshold or cut-off point rather than being a primary qualitative characteristic which information must have if it is to be useful.
Thus, materiality provides a threshold or cut - off point rather than being a primary qualitative characteristic which information must have if it is to be useful.
In this topic, we need to design a set of intergrated test system with high accuracy, and we can test the qualitative characteristic parameters on a single test pedestal.
I believe the intent of this characteristic is to understand the more qualitative elements of what makes a company successful.
An overview of characteristic and principle of reservoir lateral erosion, made qualitative analyses on its mechanism of gravity erosion.
Spectral characteristic is one of the basic characteristics of ground objects, and is the basis of qualitative and quantitative remote sensing.
Spectral characteristic is one of the basic characteristics of surface objects, and is the basis of qualitative and quantitative remote sensing.
The view of limit, as merely an external characteristic of being-there-and-then, arises from a confusion of quantitative with qualitative limit.
Uses the base source to determine that the outward appearance character, the micro characteristic, the physical property carry on the qualitative distinction to the bright child.
The characteristic mainly contains a mass of qualitative analysis and the flexibility in the process of SDSS.
Comparing with qualitative research, quantitative research can describe the characteristic of things more clearly and exactly and understand the inwardness of things.
Comparing with qualitative research, quantitative research can describe the characteristic of things more clearly and exactly and understand the inwardness of things.