According to the 6 one-class districts and 12 second-class districts of flue-cured tobacco leaf planting area general evaluation of the quality of flue-cured tobacco leaf was conduct.
The research indicated that application of oil-cake fermented could promote the growth of flue-cured tobacco plant, enhance leaf yield, improve leaf quality.
Neutral aroma components and flavor quality in flue-cured tobacco leaf in the west of Henan Province under the zinc fertilizer were studied.
How to increase the fertilizer application efficiency and potassium content in tobacco leaf is a key measure for improving the quality of flue-cured tobacco.
Zheng M. Study on effect of light intensity on growth and leaf tissue structure and quality characteristic of flue-cured tobacco [d]. Changsha: Hunan Agricultural University, 2010.
Zheng M. Study on effect of light intensity on growth and leaf tissue structure and quality characteristic of flue-cured tobacco [d]. Changsha: Hunan Agricultural University, 2010.