So we can see that the quality of the accounting information is of particularly importance.
A company limited by shares is the main formation for our enterprises in the future. Therefore, its quality of the accounting information becomes more important.
According to comprehensive income theory, we can make the issues of report supplement each other, contrast each other, improving the quality of the accounting information.
The advent of public company has a huge impact on our domestic accounting system, particularly in terms of accounting information quality.
Then, it will continue studying the existing problems concerning the quality of accounting information disclosed and putting forward countermeasures.
Finally, this article ends with providing some advice for the public companies regarding the improvement of accounting information quality.
Firstly of all, this article will analyze the quality of accounting information in detail combined with IAS.
Profound researches should be made both in theory and practice circle on how to improve the quality of accounting information.
Using inflation accounting can improve the quality of accounting information.
Abstract: the disclosure quality research of accounting information is one of the important fields of accounting research.
The quality of accounting information is the lifeline of the accounting work, and the function of the accounting information is more and more important in both macroscopic and microscopic management.
Improving accounting information quality becomes one of the international difficulties.
However, it is indicated that the present accounting information in security market is of very poor quality, and it cannot complete the task the public expect.
This paper analyzes on the reasons of accounting information distortion from the Angle of economics, and probes into some countermeasures for improving the accounting information quality.
After college utilization of computerized accounting, the quality of output information depends mainly on the data collected and input, so it is essential to get high quality original data.
The right anchoring of accounting objective underlines the provision of high quality accounting information.
The quality of information depends on interior accounting control. At the same time, the quality of accounting information is the result of accounting control.
Asset impairment of accounting standards issued, which standardizes the enterprise accounting behavior, improve the quality of accounting information.
But, the quality of accounting information is very poor now.
Accounting norm, an objective scale upon which an enterprise conducts accounting work, has a direct impact on the quality of accounting information.
This paper reviews relevant literatures about the relationship between the board of director and the quality of accounting information.
Under the existing accounting standard and supervising system in our country, does the quality of accounting information disclosure improve?
Accounting transparency is a comprehensive concept of the quality of accounting information. Its viewpoint includes contract view, investors protecting view and information view.
Third, we dissect the quality characteristics of accounting information and build an accounting information quality characteristics chart with reliability, relevance and transparency as the core.
The prerequisite to ensure the quality of accounting information is to choose proper accounting confirmation basis.
The method of cash flows'analysis can test the quality of accounting earnings. It provides incremental information for the investment decision of investors.
Corporate governance influence the quality of accounting information and the quality of accounting information can be at important factor to perfect corporate governance.
The source of the present problem of accounting information quality is because the guide lag of accountant information quality standard and the defects of accounting system.
The source of the present problem of accounting information quality is because the guide lag of accountant information quality standard and the defects of accounting system.