The risk awareness of new water quality standards for water quality does not remain in the inorganic constituents of water, but pay more attention to the organic pollution in water.
Their criterion has and remains to be in meeting established USP standards for water quality.
Protect water quality and conserve potable water resource by treating domestic wastewater to exceed Class 1A discharge standards and use for site irrigation.
Potable water should be up to the existing national standards for its water quality.
There is pollution in various degrees in source water of our country, so it is difficult to make water meet the strict requirements of higher and higher water quality standards for drinking water.
Subject to federal review, states are required to establish water-quality standards for intrastate waters.
This equipment can remove mineral salt, heavy metal ion, organic bacteria, germ and so on effectively and turn sea water into that meet standards for drinking water quality.
The famous stretches of river failed to meet new European standards for water quality that judge not only the chemicals in the water but the health of fish stocks and level of wildlife.
It is proposed to bring Suspended Substance into the Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water.
To safeguard the public against swimming in polluted waters, the government has adopted strict standards for water quality control in bathing beaches.
The EPA sets much more stringent quality standards for tap water than the FDA does for the bottled stuff.
The increase in the number and variety of uses for water throughout the world has produced a wide rage of standards of water quality that must be satisfied .
There are many strict standards and regulations on water quality, water treatment and operational management for central heating in overseas, especially European countries.
People pay more and more attention to the safety and sanitation of the drinking water. The sanitary standards of drinking water provide the visualized standard of the water quality for the people.
Renewable water recharge is processed agricultural renewable water to the irrigation water quality standards to allow for irrigation of water-saving irrigation patterns.
Renewable water recharge is processed agricultural renewable water to the irrigation water quality standards to allow for irrigation of water-saving irrigation patterns.