The first is task performance-the quality and quantity of the work produced or the services provided by the work unit as a whole.
Checking the unit price on the shelf tag, which expresses the cost divided by quantity, is a key way to find the best deal.
Social action unit is not only a quantity concept but also a relation category.
In the arrangement of contents, the article first discusses the definition to "business unit quantity" and the manifestations in various fields.
Now, let's check the items in the contract. Let's start from the names of the commodity, specifications, quantity, unit price, the total payment and shipment.
We are interested in two measures, Quantity purchased and Unit Price.
我们对两个度量感兴趣,购买的Quantity和Unit Price。
In view of this project is the heavy steel structure, picks the double-decked trellis type rigidity support plan to the workshop, the unit area saves about 10% with the steel quantity.
The theory considers aggregates of quantity demanded by buyers and quantity supplied by sellers at each possible price per unit.
Suggestion every day drinking wine quantity control about ethyl alcohol 12 grams (approximately 1 unit).
Let's look at the name of the commodity, specifications, quantity, unit price and the total amount. Do you think there is any problem?
It is the rate of change in total utility per unit change in quantity and is not the utility of a marginal unit.
Diminishing returns are the property whereby the benefit from an extra unit of an input declines as the quantity of the input increases.
The quantifier in Chinese is one part of speech to express the quantity unit.
Learning curve a graph showing the mathematical relationships between the quantity of firm's accumulative product and that of input to every unit of product.
Data record unit complete data acquisition, which records analog quantity data, parallel and serial digital data, parallel and serial graphic data from the signal source to CF card.
Thee potential energy difference between a unit quantity of water above‖and below the generating station.
发电站上面的单位水量与下面的单位水量之间的势能差。 。
The quantity and its unit of measurement of the goods.
The weight method is used to measure the solid quantity (catalyst contain) in slurry oil of catalytic cracking unit.
The new JIT purchasing model is discussed respectively with all unit quantity discounts and incremental quantity discounts, also the paper gives the algorithm and example for the model.
An ink fabric printing equipment with high printing ink quantity, the unit printing letterpress machine by soft relief, is presented in the paper.
The budgetary estimate fixed quantity is the determination certain measuring unit expands the branch sub-item project the man-power, the material and the machinery consumption quantity standard.
Finding unit adsorption quantity declines with column diameter amplifying in the conditions of same column high and adsorption rate.
Countries whose workers produce a large quantity of goods and services per unit of time enjoy a high standard of living.
The distribution record shall include: drug name; dosage form, batch number, specifications; quantity, unit receiving goods and its address and dates of distribution.
Purchase cost control is to purchase quantity and unit price of the stock control, focus on the purchase of the unit price control.
The composing of the project quantity list and unit price are analyzed from the implement of the project, and the model of assessment from project quantity lists is discussed in this paper.
We must use quantity and unit exactly among the field of science and technology.
We must use quantity and unit exactly among the field of science and technology.