Once entangled, a photon can carry any information stored in the atom's quantum state to other parts of the computer.
A working quantum computer of sufficient power could calculate factors in parallel and then provide the most likely answer in just a few moments.
Simulating a quantum computer on a traditional classical computer is a hard problem.
So when will the first scalable quantum computer be built?
FLATOW: and there are a lot of people who want to isolate atoms, and the idea is to, you know, think about hooking the atoms together to make devices, maybe a quantum computer.
In a conventional computer, a bit can represent either 1 or 0 at any time. Thanks to the quirks of quantum mechanics, the equivalent in a quantum computer, a qubit, can represent both values at once.
And a good quantum computer would need more than two circuits.
In a quantum computer these normal bits are replaced by a "superposition" (the qubit) of both 0 and 1 that is unique to the ambiguous world of quantum mechanics.
"[Being able to transfer data packets like this] is a necessary thing to do in order to build a proper quantum computer or a quantum communications device," she said.
Such entangled superconductors might be used as a component in a powerful quantum computer, Leggett says.
这项新研究”似乎更像是模糊地证明了缠扰态。 “此类缠绕的超导体可用作功能强大的量子计算机的部件。”
Such a set-up is a potential building block for a working quantum computer.
Famous for his bold predictions about the computational capacity of the universe, Dr. Lloyd belongs to the club that thinks that we live inside of a gigantic quantum computer.
The QCL quantum computer simulator.
q cl量子计算机模拟器。
"People are very interested in the possibility of building a quantum computer," and these kinds of systems may be quite good for that, he says.
Now Vlatko Vedral, an Oxford physicist, examines the claim that bits of information are the universe's basic units, and the universe as a whole is a giant quantum computer.
A quantum computer would use entangled qubits to process information.
Now, Elena Kuznetsova, a post-doctoral researcher in UConn's Department of Physics, has proposed a new type of quantum computer that could bring the technology one step closer to becoming a reality.
现在,埃琳娜·库兹涅佐娃(Elena Kuznetsova),康涅狄格大学物理系博士后研究员,提出了一种新型量子计算机的设计思路,可以使这项技术由设计向实现更进一步。
An electron's quantum state carries information, making it important for a viable quantum computer.
Such a set-up is a potential building block for a working quantum computer. "Olivia meyer-streng."
The investigation of quantum computer and quantum teleportation have been attracted much attention in recent years.
The University of New South Wales' Centre for Quantum Computer Technology (CQCT) and the University of Wisconsin-Madison created the transistor by manipulating atoms using a special microscope.
If we can control freely system decoherence, we can realize quantum communications and quantum computer. So it is a primary signification to whether control decoherence or not.
If we can control freely system decoherence, we can realize quantum communications and quantum computer. So it is a primary signification to whether control decoherence or not.