The second is controlled exchange of quantum entangled state of three two-level particles GHZ state and a W state.
Some fundamental principles, such as the principle of quantum state superposition, quantum entangled state and quantum decoherence etc.
We study the spontaneous emission and quantum entangled state of the system in which a two level atom interacts with electromagnetic field.
We study the spontaneous emission and quantum entangled state of the system in which a two-level atom interacts with electromagnetic field.
Once entangled, a photon can carry any information stored in the atom's quantum state to other parts of the computer.
Quantum bits, or qubits, can also be entangled - the state of one qubit influences the state of another even at a considerable distance.
量子位,或称量位,也会互扰- - -即便相离甚远,某个量位的状态还是会影响另一个量位的状态。
It is shown that the quantum entanglement state will stay in the maximally entangled state for a long time when the detuning is equal to rabi frequency.
In this scheme, a three-particle entangled state is used as quantum channel to teleport a two-qubit atomic state.
In the field of quantum teleportation, a scheme for teleporting a two-particle entangled state is proposed.
For the bipartite entangled state representation in quantum optics, the author present a new approach to analyze its expression in Fock space.
A scheme of teleportation of an arbitrary two-particle state is presented when two pairs of entangled particles are used as quantum channels.
We present a linear optical scheme for achieving a unity fidelity teleportation of a two-particle four-component squeezed vacuum state using two entangled squeezed vacuum states as quantum channel.
We present a linear optical scheme for achieving a unity fidelity teleportation of a two-particle four-component squeezed vacuum state using two entangled squeezed vacuum states as quantum channel.