Modify quantum well structure can decrease threshold current and increase power.
The energy equilibrium model—The stability theorem on the strained quantum well structure materials have been introduced in the paper.
The transmission spectrum of multiple quantum well structure with thickness-modulated dual-period was studied by means of transfer matrix method.
This paper discusses the advantages of superlattice semiconductor materials (Multiple Quantum Well Structure) in optical switching and optical computing.
The ground state energy and the binding energy of a bound polaron in Quantum-dot Quantum well structure are calculated, and the free polaron is also studied.
The functions of VCSEL have made great process because of the application of quantum well structure. But which is the optimal quantum well numbers is a important subject.
The polarization dependent optical confinement factor of waveguide structure with mixed strained layer multi quantum well has been discussed in this paper.
Finally, the effect of the structure on resonant tunneling through a parabolic quantum well is studied.
In the fifth chapter, we introduce a photonic quantum-well structure containing negative-index materials.
Using the optimization principles, the structure of quasi-symmetric coupled quantum-well is optimized.
Such a device structure preferably contains a coupled quantum well devices having two or more quantum Wells that can be coupled together by inter well tunneling effect at degenerate energy levels.
A multiple quantum well (MQW) structure for a light emitting diode and a method for fabricating a MQW structure for a light emitting diode are provided.
The band offset directly affect the calculation results of the quantum well band structure. if the calculation of band offset does not accurate, we should not get right band edges.
Schematic illustration of quantum-well formation in ABA tri-block chain due to electronic structure differences.
由于电子结构的差异而形成的ABA三嵌段链的量子阱能带构型图 Fig。
Schematic illustration of quantum-well formation in ABA tri-block chain due to electronic structure differences.
由于电子结构的差异而形成的ABA三嵌段链的量子阱能带构型图 Fig。