Philip was surprised when it was quarter to eleven and they were let out for ten minutes' rest.
We took the steam train about a quarter of the way and then had a driver meet us and went by road for the rest.
Figures released just before Christmas showed that GDP rose by 0.3% in the third quarter of 2009, broadly in line with the rest of the euro area.
The worst luck turned out well for the Knicks, who watched Anthony earn two fouls in the opening 88 seconds that regulated him to the bench the rest of the first quarter.
When, say, the Ravens score a touchdown in the last few seconds of the fourth quarter, clinching the win, my hopes are crushed along with the rest of the Steeler Nation's.
A quarter of children born to two brown-eyed parents who have both brown and blue-eye genes among their ancestors will have blue eyes. The rest will be brown.
One in four of the population in the age group signed up - but, she asks, "How different are the quarter who volunteered from the rest?"
But still only a quarter of European businesses are using IPV6 — the rest should be making this a priority.
Almost a quarter of its profits come from outside its domestic market, mainly the rest of Africa.
The rest within IBM were pretty spineless, trying to continue with business as usual and caring only for their own division's next-quarter sales outlook.
In South Korea the decline in inventories accelerated in the second quarter, and the leanness of stocks bodes well for further gains in production over the rest of this year.
I have historically looked at revenues every month and the rest every quarter.
The markets, however, are not expecting a rest. Non-farm payrolls grew less in the second quarter than in the first, but hourly earnings rose in June at their fastest year-on-year pace since 2001.
Shim noted, however, that first-quarter numbers are generally low compared to the rest of the year for any tech manufacturer; most sales come from the holiday and back-to-school seasons.
The original idea was that people should enjoy a bit of a rest after a life at work, but nobody imagined that the rest would stretch to almost a quarter-century.
In the first quarter, Jackson let Bryant, a starter, stay on the court when he subbed the rest of the first unit out and brought in o 'neal.
About a quarter of those suffer from severe illnesses, such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, and the rest from less debilitating ones, such as mild depression or anxiety.
He sat out the rest of the period and played just about 4 minutes in the final quarter, when he picked up his fifth foul.
You're doing eighth notes and the rest of us are doing-- other people are doing quarter notes. Okay.
More than half went to taxes, about a quarter went to charity and helping my father out, and the rest went to start various businesses.
Chinese growth would have to outstrip projections for the rest of the year to compensate for that worse-than-expected first quarter.
Even at birth, it would be a quarter of her body length. The rest of her body won't catch up with her head until adolescence.
Even though today's auction is encouraging, the risk of a bailout for Portugal and Spain is still strong, and both nations have a hefty debt schedule for the rest of the quarter.
The Financial Secretary has just announced the second quarter GDP figure and the forecast for the rest of the year in term of economic data.
Though some investors may be frustrated that first-quarter strength does not translate into an increased probability of strength for the rest of this year, it actually is something to celebrate.
China, however, accounted for all of the increase versus a year ago, whereas EU import demand was unchanged and demand for the rest of the world was slightly lower for the second consecutive quarter.
China, however, accounted for all of the increase versus a year ago, whereas EU import demand was unchanged and demand for the rest of the world was slightly lower for the second consecutive quarter.