Quartz vein type gold deposits can be found according to the property of the mountain.
The coupling of fluid evolution and tectonic dynamics is a main mechanism of quartz vein type gold deposits.
In the late stage, shear enlarged space is developed and quartz vein type gold deposits are formed, which make the former mylonite gold deposits enriched.
The feature of Muruntau-type gold deposits was which in the carbonaceous clastic rocks. and the ore was quartz stockwork and the stringer vein.
Gold-bearing quartz vein type is common in gold deposits.
Doranasai primary gold deposit is not a kind of quartz vein type deposits.
There are two genetic types of gold deposits in Dazhuangzi mining area in Pingdu city, which are the synsedimentary fault-interlayer gliding altered rock type and quartz vein type.
In northwest of Jiaodong, there are three kinds of gold deposits known as altered rock type, quartz vein type and transitional type, all called Linglong Jiaojia type of gold deposit.
The primary gold deposits in western Hunan are included mainly in three types as quartz vein type, fracture zone altered rock type and altered basic rock type.
The gold deposits in western section of the north Qinling have been divided into fault-dteredrock type and quartz vein type;
The gold deposits in western section of the north Qinling have been divided into fault-dteredrock type and quartz vein type;