Using the data perspective query builder.
No support for SQL XML in the query builder.
Query Builder to edit existing triggers.
This is the query builder method example.
Figure 32: SQL query builder in data perspective.
To invoke it, use the Query Builder context menu option on the editor control.
要调用它,使用编辑器控件的Query Builder上下文菜单选项。
You could also build the statement from the SQL Query Builder using a wizard approach.
您还可以使用向导通过SQLQuery Builder构建语句。
The Query Builder comes up where you can work with your stored procedure or user-defined function.
会出现 [查询产生器],您可以在这里使用预存程序或使用者定义函式。
Analyzing the CLI trace shows that predicates specified in the query builder are not pushed down to DB2.
通过分析CLI跟踪可以发现,查询构建器中指定的谓词没有被下推到DB 2中。
Launch the DHTML Query Builder and establish a connection to a valid data source, as shown in Figure 8.
启动DHTMLQuery Builder,并建立到一个有效数据源的连接,如图8所示。
New query language support (for XQuery), a new graphical query builder (for XQuery), and new query optimization techniques.
Allowed values are values that are available for selection in a field list on work item forms and in the query builder.
It even adds an "XPath Query Builder" if you want to compose it from a dialog (though I did not find any advantage in doing so).
如果您希望通过对话框组成搜索(尽管我没有发现这样做有任何好处),它甚至还为您添加了“XPathQuery Builder”。
Data Studio provides an integrated query builder and can give context-based assistance (as seen in Figure 3) while typing the statement.
Another feature of note is the inclusion of the Data Tools Platform SQL Query Builder prototype, which allows queries to be built graphically.
另一项需要注意的功能是引入DataToolsPlatformSQLQuery builder原型,这将允许图形化构建查询。
A Query Builder API offering a new layer of abstraction on top of the existing Query API in order to hide complexity and reduce programming errors.
Depending upon your choice of SQL builder or SQL editor option, the IDE will either open a query builder wizard or an SQL editor to build the required query.
You can also use the Visual Studio Query Builder to generate the script and invoke it using the Query Builder right-click context menu option on the editor control.
您还可以使用VisualStudioQuery Builder来生成脚本,并使用编辑器控件上的 Query Builder右击上下文菜单选项来调用它。
It includes a visual query builder, an SQL editor with syntax highlighting and code completion, visual table and view designers and powerful import and export capabilities.
The SQL Builder, a GUI tool, is activated by default to assist you in completing the SQL query (refer to Figure 12).
默认情况下,这样做会激活SQLBuilder,这是一个GUI工具,用于辅助完成 SQL查询(参见图 12)。
A developer can create a query table definition using the query table Builder tool.
A developer can create a query table definition using the query table Builder tool.