To speed this up, you can cache the results from a search query and use these cached results whenever a user submits a query.
Initial execution of any query includes the costs of building up a query cache to enable faster execution of subsequent queries.
MySQL can speed the query phase using its query cache.
MySQL has a feature called the query cache that stores the result of a query in memory, should it be needed again.
The Query Service Caching section under the Configuration tab allows for manual Dynamic Query cache clearing and writing the cache state to file for one or more server groups.
Configuration选项卡下的QueryServiceCaching部分允许手动清理Dynamic Query缓存并为一个或多个服务器组将缓存状态写到文件上。
The sequence I follow when performing reads is to take a request (that requires a database query) from the Web tier and check the cache for previously stored results of that query.
Using correlative query cache to replace tradition cache, the article designs and implements the cache structure, query matching, strategy of consistency and strategy of replacement.
The cache is dynamically loaded with former query results, and is organized by cache item descriptions corresponding to query statements.
Based on this data and semantic caching, we discussed several situations of query processing, including the exact match query and cache, including matching, cross matching, disjoint matching.
Based on this data and semantic caching, we discussed several situations of query processing, including the exact match query and cache, including matching, cross matching, disjoint matching.