QueryLang: the language of the query string; this value must comply with ISO 639 and ISO 3166 standards. (this parameter is optional; the default value is the server locale.)
queryLang:查询字符串的语言;该值必须与ISO 639和ISO 3166标准一致(该参数是可选的;默认值为服务器的位置)。
The XQuery is sent as the value of the _query field in the URL's query string (the part of the URL after a question mark).
XQuery被作为URL的查询字符串(URL 中引号后的部分)中的 _query字段的值发送。
What I’m doing is placing a token ([value*]) in the query string and then creating a function that I can use to get the value of cutoffDate when the results of the query are accessed.
First, the SELECT statement embedded in the second line contains a query predicate based on the Status column, comparing the value of this VARCHAR column to the string Gold.
首先,嵌入在第二行的select语句包含一个基于“status”列的查询谓词,它将这个varchar列与字符串“Gold ”相比较。
In the test Data section of the test editor, shown in Figure 10, you will notice the search string you entered as the Value for the item query.
For parameters that come from the URI, we want to ensure that the URI actually contains a value for that parameter, either in the path (via the route dictionary) or in the query string.
As previously mentioned, the contains function implements sub-string matching and therefore returns the value true for the above query.
Therefore, this action can only match a URI that contains a value for "id", either in the route dictionary or in the query string.
The value of the ReturnUrl query string parameter allows me to redirect the user so that navigating between open and secured parts of the application is a smooth and seamless process.
Represents a class that is responsible for creating a new instance of a query-string value-provider object.
Represents a class that is responsible for creating a new instance of a query-string value-provider object.