Using the queueing theory, the queue model of memory with multibank in tightly-coupled multiprocessor system is constructed.
Nonlinear matrix equations arise in areas of control theory, ladder networks, dynamic programming, queueing theory, stochastic filtering and statistics.
According to the queueing theory and Markov process theory, this paper made all the availability models and performance models of the supply chain system.
In this text, we analyse the Joint Managed Invantory (JMI) by the knowledge of the Queueing Theory, conducting that JMI can reduce inventory cost effectively.
With the assumption that the component processing time is exponential distribution, components' average queueing time in the system was calculated by queueing theory.
Numbering quantities of medical equipment is studied based on Queueing Theory, which can provide a useful and applicable tool for study on medical equipment numbering.
Since the 1960s, heavy-tailed distributions have been widely used in branching processes, queueing theory, risk theory including insurance and finance and other fields.
This paper analyzes service efficiency for garage entrances with different toll mode and gives the calculation method for service desks number of garage with queueing theory based on a case.
To analysis of the performance improvement of real time of transport automation system, we use queueing theory for the analysis of the traditional transport automation system and the proposed system.
Based on analysis of the regularity of mine water, the concepts and methods of the stochastic serve theory being applied, the queueing and reliability models of mine drainage system are developed.
It is well known that the convolution equivalent distributions have wide and important applications in risk theory, queueing system, branching process and infinite devisibility and so on.
Its rational capacity setting is analysed with the theory of queueing system with storage bin.
Its rational capacity setting is analysed with the theory of queueing system with storage bin.