Many of these people were the ones that just got into the industry to make a quick buck, but quite a few were competent people now unemployed.
It's not just the data, but the ability to make a quick buck, like we've seen in this case, that will drive people to exploit smart phones.
Before long the first settlers move in and start to look for ways to make a quick buck.
Jackson was often sued by employees who may have been looking for a quick buck.
I feel like you are a guest here, and I don't want to make a quick buck by making your stay here less pleasing.
So, for the sake of a quick buck, it has reduced its future non-tax revenue.
Mr Buffett is a quite notorious investor for the long-term, not the quick buck, so he must recognise something in those initials BYD.
But for some business owners, the benefits of keeping full control outweigh the lure of a quick buck.
Buying quality art is rarely a good way to make a quick buck. The true relevance of art reveals itself over time.
"We have a proud reputation, but mustn't tarnish it for the sake of making a quick buck," he said.
It's one of the trendiest ways to make a quick buck for the internet-savvy; dozens of videos, websites, and blogs offer advice on how best to earn money off the site.
HP stock doesn't look like it could earn a quick buck like Apple's.
Some businessmen liken it to a new Wild West, a place where adventurers prepared to work in Iraq’s still tricky conditions can make a quick buck.
很多商人把它比喻成新的西部热土,一个冒险者在棘手条件下能够赚取丰厚利润 的地方。
The man sprang for his throat, but Buck was too quick for him.
"By coming to China temporarily, players would send a message that China is nothing more than a 'backyard,' a quick and easy way to make a buck," warns Pastuszek.
With a smaller market, fewer competitors and a reasonably large customer base, each developer has a higher chance for making a quick buck, Freeman said.
In 2008 the financial crisis-caused by quick-buck financiers, of course-nearly wrecked Dow's purchase of Rohm and Haas, another chemicals firm.
2008年由投机的金融家导致的金融危机几乎毁掉了陶氏对另一家化学公司罗门哈斯(Rohmand Haas)的收购。
So, while my genes bias my brain toward spooking easily and trying to make a quick buck, that isn't how I actually behave.
More than likely she's some fly-by-night gypsy, out to make a quick buck.
Wanting to make a quick easy buck.
I want to invest in stocks to make a quick buck.
Are you interested in making a long-term investment or in turning a quick buck?
This permitted him to make a fast buck. My friend makes it some quick easy money dishonestly.
Seven guys who are looking to make a quick buck arrive at the desolate Dog Days bar to audition as "hosts" - young men paid to entertain female patrons with their charm and smooth talk.
Seven guys who are looking to make a quick buck arrive at the desolate Dog Days bar to audition as "hosts" - young men paid to entertain female patrons with their charm and smooth talk.