It can locate targets in all weather conditions and detect low flying aircraft in radar ground clutter.
Radar does this to remove ground clutter, information about hills or buildings that it doesn't need.
In the thesis, the video echo of the airborne PD radar was simulated. The simulated echoes include the signals of the target, the ground clutter and the noise.
This paper presents a clutter modeling method using waveform synthesis theory in order to provide ground clutter simulation for analyzing airborne radar system.
The key to the settlement of the question of effective detection of ground and low air targets lies in adaptive of effective clutter suppression in airborne Radar.
The echo of short range radar detecting ground targets are analyzed in this paper, Models for targets, multipath effects and clutter are constructed.
The pulse Doppler(PD)radar technique in ground-based radar is mainly applied to detecting motive targets in strong clutter jamming circumstance.
This calibration method using the ground clutter as a standard will improve radar maintenance and application quality.
Using the actual collected radar echo signals, we analyze the ground clutter suppression performance of the adaptive Gaussian frequency filter.
Using an actual collected radar signal, we change the orders of the regression filter from first-order to tenth-order and obtain the corresponding ground clutter suppression ratios.
The Doppler spectral broadening due to nonstationary movement of target and radio-frequency clutter will decrease the veracity of target detection by high frequency ground wave (HFGW) radar.
Aimed at the clutter overlap of PD system applied to the ground-based low altitude radar, a designing method of a different PRF with respect to each interval of scanning time was proposed.
Aimed at the clutter overlap of PD system applied to the ground-based low altitude radar, a designing method of a different PRF with respect to each interval of scanning time was proposed.