Potential clinical advantages of this technique include enhanced fracture site visualization, application of broader plates, and protection of the radial nerve during the internal fixation.
The procedure is technically complex because of the proximity of the radial nerve, the axillary nerve and its posterior branches, and the neurovascular bundles to the muscles.
Methods Radial nerve deep branch was reconstructed by lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve with fascial pedicle.
Conclusion:The rushing force of dislocated radial head, and the contusion, compression, stretching and adhesion of the nerve are all contributory factors of the nerve injury.
Objective To summarize clinical feature and treatment experience of traumatic radial nerve injury.
Methods Summarizing 33 cases prothesis with this flaps, including 18 flaps of sural nerve, 8 flaps of saphenous nerve and 7 flaps official branch of radial nerve.
Conclusion The lateral heads of brachial triceps branches of radial nerve can be transfered to repaire axillary nerve or musculocutaneous nerve.
Objective To explore the effects of rehabilitation on radial nerve injury.
Objective to evaluate the effect of full length phrenic nerve transfer to different portion of the radial nerve for restoration of wrist and finger extension.
Objective: to provide the anatomic basis for designing compound flap of distally based pedicle with cephalic vein-cutaneous nerve at radial margin of forearm.
In the direct coaptation group the radial nerve was cut at that level and sutured directly.
Our results indicate that original artery of the nutrient artery, supplying the superficial branch of the radial nerve, is ideal for a free vascularized nerve graft.
With the forearm in pronation, neutral and supination sequently, every fixed point became farther and farther from the deep branch of radial nerve.
Postoperative diagnosis were: 6 cases with wrist canal syndrome, 3 with ulnar nerve compression at elbow, and 1 with radial nerve compression at forearm.
Objective To seek for the best anastomosis site of the ulnar and radial nerve to improve the contralateral C7 transfer operation.
Objective To evaluate the clinical results of elbow arthroplasty for old Monteggia fracture complicated by deep branch of radial nerve injury.
The superficial palmar branch of radial artery, vein and nerve of the flap were anastomosed with digitales volares propriae artery, digitales dorsales vein and digitales volares propriae nerve.
No patients had secondary radial nerve palsy, no infection was found.
Objective: To explore the anatomic features of the deep branch of radial nerve (DBRNs) after leaving supinator-tunnel and provide a method for locating it at body surface.
Objective To discuss the prevention, treatment and the reasons why internal of fracture of humeral shaft is complicated by radial nerve injury.
Results According to the criteria of functional recovery of radial nerve, Hand Surgery Association of China Medical Association, 6 cases were excellent, 1 was good.
Objective To introduce a diagnosis and therapy clinic experience about extensor tendons injury in forearm combined with deep branch of radial nerve injury.
Objective: To study the morphological character of the brachialis branches of radial nerve.
Objective to observe the effect of contralateral C7 root transfer to the radial nerve for the treatment of total brachial plexus root avulsion injury.
The evolutional course of bipolar nerve cells, multipolar neurons, pyramidal-like cells, radial glial cells and protoplasmic astrocytes were described.
Results the end part of the posterior interosseous nerve innervated the area of extensor muscles of the wrist and finger and the dorsal periosteum of the ulna and radial bone.
Methods a review is made on the analysis of 26 patients with internal fixation of fracture of humeral shaft complicated by radial nerve injury.
Objective: to study the anatomical characteristics of the brachialis branches of radial nerve.
Conclusions: Radial nerve branches of LHT have both enough length and diameter to anastomose nerve branches of musculocutaneous nerve and partial axillaris nerve;
Conclusions: Radial nerve branches of LHT have both enough length and diameter to anastomose nerve branches of musculocutaneous nerve and partial axillaris nerve;