In the unstable flow the radial distribution of tracer gas concentration is asymmetry.
This paper provides a new measurement method for radial distribution of the REB electron energy.
Study the vapor-liquid phase equilibrium and radial distribution of water by molecular simulation;
However, the influence on the radial distribution of the z-axial component of the electric field is small.
The paper presents a new methodology based on genetic algorithms for radial distribution network planning.
The observations of X-ray surface brightness are also used to derive the radial distribution of gas for comparison.
The axial and radial distribution of flow, heat and mass transfer of gas-solid two phase is very uneven in the reactor.
The experimental results of radial distribution of Langmuir flow effects in a ring laser gyro are reported in this paper.
Adjustment of burden distribution matrix is an effective way to control radial distribution of gas flow in blast furnace.
The derived method is general for load flow solution of both radial distribution systems and distribution networks with loops.
This paper raises an evolutionary algorithm in solving problems of optimal capacitor placement on radial distribution systems.
A distributed parameter circuit model has been constructed according to the characteristics of the radial distribution network.
This paper deals with the relation between the internal structure of the moon and the radial distribution of the focuses of moonquakes.
By the Monte Carlo modeling, the radial distribution, penetration depth and transmission path length of the diffuse photons are analyzed.
This paper deals with the twisting process in electrostatic spinning and the radial distribution of the twist of electrostatic spun yarn.
The radial distribution characteristics of bubble size were studied through the measurement in an upward-heated tube using dual-sensor optical probe.
A new reliability evaluation algorithm for complex radial distribution system is proposed to respond to the changes of distribution network topologies.
Based on the theory of radial distribution function, a new unified model for excess enthalpy and excess Gibbs free energy of liquid solution was proposed.
The structure of an amorphous inorganic ion exchanger-stannic hexametaphosphate is postulated with radial distribution function (RDF) by X-ray diffraction.
The influence of the different kinds of particles on the radial distribution with increasing the cross-sectional average solids concentration is different.
The radial distribution functions, spatial distributions and the particle number distribution of local main stress in amorphous at each pressure are calculated.
Radial distribution functions of na - o, o - o and H-O analysis illustrate that the molecular structure of interlayer water is different from the bulk solution.
和H -O的径向分布函数分析表明层间水分子的结构和水中水分子的结构不同。
From the radial distribution function theory of molten salts, a three-dimensional statistical model was suggested for binary salt solutions, containing monovalent ions only.
A distributed parameter circuit model is constructed according to characteristics of the radial distribution network and selection of appropriate frequency detection signal.
The results show that, the gas pressure, electrical current, and the virtual breadth of the annular electrode affect the radial distribution of the plasma density and temperature.
But the lessening of virtual breadth of the annular electrode makes the radial distribution of plasma density more unequal, and the total density and the average temperature lower.
From the principle of maximum entropy, the radial distribution function of the end-to-end distance was deduced directly, and it is indicated that the function is Gauss-type function.
The radial distribution of particle velocity is more uniform and the difference between the maximum velocity and the minimum velocity decreases in comparison with the conventional riser.
The radial distribution of phase and the amplitude of complex permittivity for cylinders are given with the loss tangent values retrieved statistically from the reconstructed image matrix.
The simulated radial distribution function and diffusion coefficient also accord with experiment basically. Rather, the pair distribution function is consistent with the literature reported.