Radio telescopes are sometimes grouped together, is the same effect as having one big telescope to increase radio wave gathering power.
Short-wave radio uses the 20-50 metre band.
If you hook a radio wave up with a radio, you can tell the radio wave was there because what the radio is doing?
Cell phone photons cannot add up to become UV photons or have their effect any more than microwave or radio-wave photons can.
Cat whisker a fine metal thread resembling the arched shape of a cat's whisker used in early radio wave detecting crystal sets.
These sensors only need very few energies, pass the data by the relay way through the radio wave from a sensor to another, therefore they communicate with an extremely high efficiency.
Meteor trail communication is a kind of burst communication mode, which USES reflection and dispersion of radio wave to the meteor ionization trails.
The use and applicative effects of radio wave tunnel perspective instrument in Wangzhuang Coal Mine are introduced. And some further more improving opinions appearing in use are provided.
Propagation characteristic of UHF radio wave in rectangle, circle and arched tunnels is studied in this paper and the computing equation for attenuation constant is deduced.
This paper presents an effective radio wave propagation prediction model by using radiation sources tree for microcellular environment. This model is based on ray-tracing and UTD.
Leakage communication is good for solving radio wave spreading in mine laneway, and is an important mean of coal mine mobile communication credible working too.
The terrestrial ionospheric plasma can be heated by a powerful ground-based high-frequency radio wave, which results in the disturbance of the electron temperature and density.
The highly sophisticated electronic methods rely on either light or radio wave propagation.
A radio wave is of the same family as heat waves, light waves, X-rays and gamma rays.
The radio wave refraction correction for improving the accuracy of GPS navigation and location is necessary.
On top of the hill stands a metal tower which is used to send and receive radio wave.
In this paper, a DSP-based HF channel simulator within audio bandwidth is designed and implemented based on the concerned theory on the effects caused by the ionosphere in radio wave.
Two calculation modes of VHF radio wave for the Yangtze River area from Chongqing to Shanghai are given in the form of formulas and charts.
It was modified combined with their actual measured values that the environmental factors in radio wave propagation model equation matrix of underground complex environment.
As a result, a single radio wave from an FM station is only a few meters long, about the size of a car.
On the base of this channel, we analyze the characteristics of the radio wave small-scale fading.
Evaporation ducts, or tropospheric ducts in general, can guide radio waves to distances far beyond the horizon with less attenuation, and then severely impair some certain radio wave system.
In combination with the result, the author points out that radio wave attenuations in roadway is mainly by wave refraction and reflection rather than wall absorption.
Calculating the radio wave propagation circuits is one of the most important tasks in planning radio project for a mobile communication system.
Radio wave bending is caused by atmospheric refraction, which leads to the distance measured by radio navigation system different from the truth.
Radio wave bending is caused by atmospheric refraction, which leads to the distance measured by radio navigation system different from the truth.