Supplies began running low and early this week, five set off on foot across snow fields; on Friday, after four days of trudging, they reached a working military radio center.
The thing is, with the radio astronomy, you can't just set up a telescope in your backyard and observe stars.
Without the television set, the radio and more importantly, the computer, we will seldom have any fun in our homes today.
This radio set is unconventionally shaped.
Some babies may also be calmed by the sound of a running faucet, a radio set on static, a recording of nature sounds or white noise—even the steady hum of the vacuum cleaner.
These include Internet radio - although they still pay royalties set by statute - as well as ancillary businesses like ticketing and concert listings.
Select updateEmployee.jsp for the page, set the radio button for "this rule is used by this action only," and then click OK.
为页面选择updateemployee . jsp,设置按钮为“该规则只为这条操作使用”,然后点击OK。
The electrician refitted my old radio set.
There should be a radio and television set in every classroom, and a library of tapes and records in every school.
Whenever I turn on my radio or television set, he knocks on my door and angrily orders me to stop.
These responsibilities include radio set certification, waveform integration and deployment of fixed-site communication equipment.
Fifty years ago inquisitive children could take apart a clock, radio set or motorbike, figure out how it worked, and even put it together again.
To browse through categories you need to "switch a channel" like you would do it in your radio set.
And if you ever wonder how candidates can spend that kind of money, just look at your television set, listen to your radio or open the extra junk mail around election time.
Radio buttons are set up to be accessible in the same way that buttons are.
Groups are often used to contain radio-type buttons as they define the set of exclusive buttons.
To do this, in test options, select the Supplied test set radio button and click set.
为此,在testoptions内,选择Supplied testset单选按钮并单击set。
Dr Micklewright conducted the research for The eSportsman, a Radio Four programme set to be broadcast on Friday.
The ingenious boy made a radio set for himself.
This radio set can receive on short, medium and long waves.
The shopkeeper said he would replace the radio set if we were not satisfied .
Whom does this radio set belong to?
He is adept at fixing radio set.
Mr. Wu answered another early morning phone call on another day. I clearly heard his "hello" and half of a sentence came out of my radio set. Both Mr.
Mr. Wu answered another early morning phone call on another day. I clearly heard his "hello" and half of a sentence came out of my radio set. Both Mr.