From discrete components radio to consist of Integrated Circuits radio, from the ordinary to the senior FM radio AM FM radio.
I am the presenter of a live radio programme.
Radio, television, telephone, this computer I am writing on and the World Wide Web are all forms of leverage.
A long string of Sony products followed: the first small transistorized TVs, the world's smallest AM radio, even the video-tape cassette recorders used by U.S. astronauts on Apollo moon flights.
"I can't believe that (Californians) will put up with all these nanny, nit-picking laws," KFI-AM radio talk-show host John Kobylt said.
I am the program director of my radio station, so where's my payola?
I am alone, but I'm not lonely at all, for I've got a shortwave radio.
However numerous patent disputes, and a blocking attempt by the radio Corporation of America, who thought it would destroy AM radio, halted its advancement.
I was in pretty good spirits on April 12 at the Radio and Television Correspondents dinner, and I got off some good lines, like I really am delighted to be here.
Sold under the company's new name, Sony, the radio used five transistors to tune in to multiple am channels.
"I am sure it is of great value, I haven't seen it, but I think you can do this kind of thing much, much more cheaply," he told BBC Radio 4's Today programme.
When I listen to a news programon National Public Radio I am filling in gaps in my mind, visualizing the partsI’m not seeing.
My little brother, Teddy, lets out a war whoop when Mom's AM radio announces the closures.
There were hardly any dropped calls and the call quality was pretty solid – I am guessing that it is thanks to both the radio engineering and the network.
To some I am known as Chief. And these are usually people who work in Radio Shack or try to sell me shoes.
I am host of a live radio programme.
I am writing a letter. Will you please turn down the radio?
Asked on BBC Radio 5 Live whether he might quit for health reasons, the prime minister replied: "I am healthy and I am very fit. I run a lot to keep fit and I will continue to keep fit.
布朗在接受英国广播电台BBC Radio5Live的采访时,被问到他是否会因为健康的原因辞职,首相回答说:“我很健康,经常跑步保持身材,我也要继续坚持跑下去保持身材。”
When upper layers indicate that a handover has occurred, for radio bearers that are mapped on RLC AM, the UE shall.
当高层指示一个切换已经发生时,对于映射到RLC AM上的无线承载,UE应该。
Globally, we have moved from a culture centered on network television, cable, am and FM radio and telephone into a digital society with mass media, streaming information, intelligent computer.
Am is the oldest method of broadcasting radio programs.
I should (also) point out (that) an AM-FM stereo radio is included.
This article introduces the principle of single chip IC CXA1600 used in AM radio.
You are considerate to turn down your radio when I am sleeping.
The radio can handle 30 FM presets and 10 AM presets.
Consequently, AM radio service is faced with challenge that has never showed up before.
In my design, signal is processed directly with software method based on software radio idea, which realizes the AM signal demodulation.
In my design, signal is processed directly with software method based on software radio idea, which realizes the AM signal demodulation.