And as a failsafe, the receiver also sends a message to the transmitter via radio if it notices an unexplained interruption in power reception.
ANTENNA, a device which, used in conjunction with a transmitter or receiver, is used for radiating or receiving radio waves.
Gain control circuit, receiver and transmitter, radio communication device and system.
In modern power measurement, the measurement of the pulse of radio power has been widely used as the transmitter power, the delicacy of microwave receiver, the plus of amplifier and so on.
Each cell is equipped with a low-powered radio transmitter and receiver that permit propagation of signals among cell-phone users.
Your mobile device is a radio transmitter and receiver.
The pulse interleaving technology is adopted to make the transmitter or receiver synchronize with the transmission and the reception of the impulse radio signal pulses.
The autodyne Doppler radio fuze transmitter-receiver is a important device of fuze remote control setting.
You plug a combined radio receiver and transmitter in, and the computer is able to send out its equivalent of dots and dashes (bits, in computer-speak) to get your data from one place to another.
In transmit steering applications, the transmitter associated with the current best voted receiver is used for a reply to a nearby mobile or portable radio.
In transmit steering applications, the transmitter associated with the current best voted receiver is used for a reply to a nearby mobile or portable radio.