The drinking water and hot water supply, the drainage of wastewater, rain water system and various fire control water systems of Venice Hotel in Shenzhen city are presented.
In addition, electric power may be generated from photovoltaic thin film, while rain water can be harvested from the rooftop for use in the garden's irrigation system.
The system, advanced in design, practical and complete in function, can provide complete information about rain, water and project operation to support flood control decision.
Consider installing a rain water and run off collection system and a gray water recycling system to water lawns and gardens.
If we dont take care of these issues of clean water, of drainage and the sewerage system, next year when the rain comes we should have Cholera.
Rain water is carried through an integrated gutter and down a downspout system.
Adding a rain sensor or converting part of your system to drip irrigation can also save a lot of water.
The article is the system of using rainwater in urban, mainly carries on the irrigation or other using of the rain by lawn collection, belongs to the indirect using rain water category.
And it has taken advantage of automatic measurement system to collect rain and water information and has made a dynamic analysis, so as to offer decision support for decision-maker.
Sewage water treatment system has advanced and separate rain water and sewage systems.
The design method for storage capacity of rain water utilization system was introduced.
This paper introduces the layout plan, selection of design data and main design steps of rain water piping system of large and medium-scale plants.
The whole city drainage system program is as follows: rain water wells road, clay and drain well across the street and drainage inspection wells and underground drainage main lines.
A properly designed ventilation system provides adequate air circulation throughout the boat without allowing water from waves, spray or rain to come aboard.
The design of the mirror system can clear the water on the rain mirror when attaches to the rain, and it can clean the mirror when the mirror attaches to dust as needed to achieve good vision mirror.
Through the analysis of the ash yard effluent in Qiangqing thermal power plant, and according to the position of the ash yard, an ash effluent and rain water treatment system has been designed.
Collection system of rain water and waste water are divided;
In the city and watershed water environmental system in the rain water environmental system as a gift of the precious resources, plays an important role.
The unique drainage system design, prevent the rain water and dust entering.
The applications of mixture drainage system of rain water and waste water are the important means.
The applications of mixture drainage system of rain water and waste water are the important means.