The know-how acquired shall be able to raise productivity.
The harder task, in the West and beyond, is to raise productivity.
Ask the miners rescued in Chile how difficult it is to raise productivity.
The mould is separate automatically from plastic, and raise productivity.
I am afraid it's not. we raise productivity when we have te machine first.
Mr Shirakawa supports Mr Kan’s efforts to raise productivity by promoting free trade.
In order to raise productivity, our factory director decided to adopt automation.
They save energy, increase efficiency, raise productivity and so help to keep costs under control.
DNC system is an important tool to implement integrated workshop control and to raise productivity.
To increase wages, Mr. McCain will provide incentives to raise productivity, which leads to higher wages.
Component reuse is to raise productivity in component software, utilizing existing component to develop new ones.
If regulation makes competition less intense, it blunts companies' incentives to raise productivity and thwart their rivals.
It would put Americans to work quickly and raise productivity in the long term, a Keynesian kick with benefits for years to come.
With the increasing demand for Si-XLPE cables, the hot water bath process has become the bottle neck to raise productivity.
Optimal scheme may be obtained by value analysis on production process of polypropylene unit to raise productivity and lower the consumption.
Masaaki Kanno of JPMorgan Securities thinks that a stimulus four times bigger, designed to raise productivity, is needed to counter the slump in demand.
摩根大通证券的Masaaki Kannounced认为需投入一个四倍于其的为增加生产力而设计的刺激来反击萧条。
Resources have also been directed to programs which aim to raise productivity through better farm management and improved rural health and education service.
Unfortunately, even if we're measuring productivity accurately -- and it's not clear we are -- it's hard to come up with solutions that raise productivity in the short run.
Similar growth tonics need to be applied in much of the rich world, both to boost domestic spending in surplus economies, such as Germany and Japan, and to raise productivity.
Many would say that further falls in poverty and inequality will need greater efforts to raise productivity, to continue to improve education and to shrink the informal economy.
The use of the equipment with non-stop adjacent conductor size change will reduce remarkably the materials and energy consumption, raise productivity and reduce production costs.
The article briefly sets forth the technology of Industry Engineering, its applying can reduce costs, raise productivity and economy benefit. It suits the need of Lean Management.
As an industry we need to continue to raise the level of quality and productivity even higher.
He assumes that the very act of exporting raises the productivity of firms, because selling on world markets forces companies to raise their game while exposing them to new ideas and techniques.
Rather, productivity gains resulting in increased value of output are essential to raise rural incomes.
After 2000, the country's metal-bashers somehow managed to raise their productivity growth by another notch, to 5.1% a year, according to the Bureau of Labour Statistics.
After 2000, the country's metal-bashers somehow managed to raise their productivity growth by another notch, to 5.1% a year, according to the Bureau of Labour Statistics.