The "Bird stock" was on listed on the Shanghai stock Exchange, with raised capital of 640 million RMB.
Using VentureWire's comprehensive news database, here are 10 such start-ups that have raised capital in 2009.
Question 3: in the past two years, Many Chinese big companys raised capital by floating shares and came into the market actively.
They entered the crisis with relatively prudent balance-sheets and several raised capital earlier this year, when markets were more forgiving.
An enterprise shall trust, under law, a legal capital verification institution to verify the raised capital and issue a report on capital verification.
Phasing in the targets over time makes sense if regulators wish to avoid a credit crunch-weaker Banks may simply have stopped lending rather than raised capital to meet the new guidelines.
Since the middle of 2007, Morgan Stanley has raised about twenty billion dollars in new capital and cut in half its leverage ratio-the total value of its assets divided by its capital.
Such measures do not always work for long: South Korea's ceilings were set as a multiple of the Banks' capital, so the Banks just raised their capital.
In the past few years, all the surviving big Banks have raised more capital and become profitable again.
There are no means by which the wages of all those eager to sell their labor can be raised other than by accelerating the increase of capital as compared with population.
Finance chiefs have slashed forecasts for earnings and capital spending in 2009 and have raised their estimates for the number of jobs to be axed next year.
New capital requirements seem more likely, in the vein of Suggestions raised by the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) and the Financial Stability Board.
This already seems to have happened with hedge funds and commodities, and it may be about to happen with private equity, given the amount of capital that it has recently raised.
So too are bankers specialising in the finance industry, where there is no shortage of capital to be raised and deals to be done.
Having previously increased a tax on short-term capital inflows and raised reserve requirements for Banks' currency trading, on July 27th he fired his latest salvo.
There are a number of ways in which capital could quickly be raised.
Timothy Geithner informed Congress that those banks deemed by the stress tests to require extra capital had so far raised $48 billion of the $75 billion stipulated.
The company had raised its seed capital only a year before from a group of private investors, who had later been joined by venture-capital funds.
The central bank last year cut interest rates and raised reserve requirements for foreign and local Banks in an unorthodox attempt to deter rising capital inflows.
Now, as media has become the story of the last boom, it's not a surprise New York surpassed Boston in the amount of venture capital raised.
That means the money raised in the IPO will become the primary source of fresh capital for lending growth.
It may be a bitter winter. So far this year, only around 23% of the capital that has been raised by private-equity firms globally was allocated to Europe, the lowest share in years.
China's central bank raised interest rates last month, and regulators have moved to tighten the nation's already strict controls on capital inflows.
Sweden’s banks have raised billions of dollars in more capital, albeit at a high price.
Sweden's Banks have raised billions of dollars in more capital, albeit at a high price.
Yet a slump in share prices could stifle new-found investor confidence in equities and limit the amount of capital raised from the market.
The average venture capital fund raised between 1995 and 1997 returned more than 50% per year.
Lehman has already raised the possibility of a capital injection by issuing new shares to outside investors.
Last year venture-capital funds raised just $15 billion, half the average of the preceding four years (see chart 8).
Last year venture-capital funds raised just $15 billion, half the average of the preceding four years (see chart 8).