They lay special stress on raising the quality of life.
The urban Green Open Space plays a significant role in improving urban ecological environment and raising the quality of their inhabitant outdoor life.
Despite faring poorly in the field of raising children, expats in China report high salaries and better quality of life than in their home countries.
A survey was conducted on the exercising condition of the obese middle-aged people for raising their life quality in Hebei by documentation, questionnaire survey and mathematic and statistic methods.
The determination of process parameters of short pile production with raising machine are discussed. The relationship between the quality of pile face and the service life of equipment is expounded.
The raising of organic solvent purity can lengthen the life-span of expensive chromato scrubber, improve analysis quality, spare the manpower and financial resources.
The raising of organic solvent purity can lengthen the life-span of expensive chromato scrubber, improve analysis quality, spare the manpower and financial resources.