The measures include wage freezes, tax hikes and raising the retirement age.
Raising the retirement age to 67 will mean two more years at work for men, seven for women.
Raising the retirement age to 62 years, for example, will be brought forward by a year, to 2017.
We can find a pattern in the disagreement on raising the retirement age. What's the pattern?
Raising the retirement age may not be popular, but it will be more popular than the alternatives.
Raising the retirement age by a year or two can make the difference between the solvency and insolvency of pensions.
But raising the retirement age for public-sector workers in order to reflect increased life expectancy would be a start.
He has all but ruled out raising the retirement age or cutting pensions to plug the gap in America's public pension system.
And for all the drama on the street, in the same poll 70% said that raising the retirement age was “responsible towards future generations”.
As for Mr Sarkozy, it seems that a lack of popularity may have freed him to do some unpopular but important things, such as raising the retirement age.
People in Washington often talk as if there were a program called Socialsecuritymedicareandmedicaid, then focus on things like raising the retirement age.
Raising the retirement age - a proposal the government is now studying for women, who typically are required to retire earlier than men - could also prop up the work force.
They include everything from selling assets and privatizing municipal services to raising the retirement age by 2026 and offering tax breaks to companies that hire young workers.
Mr Rauh and Mr Novy-Marx estimate that raising the retirement age by a year would trim the cost by 2-4%; a cut of a percentage point in inflation-linking would slash it by 9-11%.
Mr Rauh andMr Novy-Marx估计,提高一年退休年龄将是开销减少2%-4%,通货膨胀率下降一个百分点将使债务减少9%-11%。
Raising the retirement age will help organisations, but many will also need to adopt human resource strategies that make greater use of temporary and interim skills, as well as technology.
Most prominent was a raising of the retirement age from 60 to 62.
Raising the official retirement age to 67 may be a way of alleviating the problem, but it can't solve it.
Delaying their retirement by raising the pensionable age might make sense.
The state of staff and workers age in our country is analyzed, and the trouble of low age retirement and significance of raising retirement age are approached.
Delaying their retirement by raising the pensionable age might make sense.
From the standpoint of workforce structure in organization, raising the mandatory retirement age can be beneficial for companies with greater workforce requirement or those facing workforce gap.
Mercer suggested that, the situation of China could be improved by raising the statutory retirement age of the pension system.
Mercer suggested that, the situation of China could be improved by raising the statutory retirement age of the pension system.