Relatives ferried Mr. Yang to the Hepu County Psychiatric Hospital, a sprawling, ramshackle collection of one-story buildings outside Beihai, the closest city.
亲戚们用船把他送到合浦县精神病院。 这是座毫无规划,摇摇欲坠的一层楼的建筑群,位于离村子最近的北海市郊区。
When I go into classrooms, whether they're ramshackle, makeshift classes in some slum in a city or a nice rural location, the kids are just wide eyed. All they want is knowledge and information.
Stephen Ireland cried off with a knee problem but it was Houllier's achingly ramshackle defence which was the core problem, and the three goals City posted in the opening 27 minutes reflected as much.
Relatives ferried Mr. Yang to the Hepu County Psychiatric Hospital a sprawling ramshackle collection of one-story buildings outside Beihai the closest city.
Relatives ferried Mr. Yang to the Hepu County Psychiatric Hospital a sprawling ramshackle collection of one-story buildings outside Beihai the closest city.