With a VM system, you have two primary areas that store information about the active applications and the data it USES — the physical random access memory (RAM) and space allocated on hard drives.
With random write behind, the number of pages in memory exceeds a specified amount and all subsequent pages are written to disk.
Some scientists have speculated that the life review some patients experience could be due to random activation of the dying brain's memory circuits.
Chunks are not otherwise tracked by address, so unless arbitrarily limited, checking might lead to random searches through memory.
Samsung was the sole profitable firm among major global dynamic random access memory (DRAM) chip makers in the third quarter.
Shared memory is well suited to larger collections of data and, because it uses memory, grants fast, random access.
This is in contrast with conservative GC systems which requires you to guess whether some piece of memory contains an object pointer or just some random data that resembles an object pointer.
The memory he relates is not a random one; it's a narrative that expresses the values and accomplishments of a lifetime.
Nearly two thirds (63 percent) of those in the random telephone survey said that they agreed with this model of a passively recorded memory.
在随机的电话调查中,将近三分之二(63%)的人都认同这种被动留下记忆的模式。 这种观点与证实记忆是基于“目标和期望值”才被回忆起来的研究背道而驰。
Volatile random access memory (RAM).
Just two years earlier, IBM had also developed the first random access disk storage device, the random access Memory for Accounting and Control (RAMAC) 350, so there was a place to store this stuff.
就在两年前,IBM还开发了第一个随机访问磁盘存储设备,RandomAccessMemoryforAccountingandControl (RAMAC) 350,所以有了存放这些东西的地方。
His first experiment, nearly 30 years ago, involved memory: training a person to hear and then repeat a random series of Numbers.
This helps add interest to the random sequence of Numbers and pegs down the memory.
Every computer has a processor and some random-access memory (RAM), also known as physical memory.
Then, he says, they could be just the thing for a superfast random access memory (RAM), the working memory that computers use to store data on the fly, and ultimately even for hard drives.
Paging space, or swap space, is a type of logical volume that serves as a staging area for processes that are not using active random-access memory (RAM).
In stand-alone (non-networked) application environment, computer performance is largely determined by three components of the computer: CPU, the random access memory (RAM) and computer monitors.
TPC-C is an OLTP benchmark which requires efficient use of large memory, intensive random read/write I/O, and has extremely intensive database log activity.
General had said the computer memory capacity refers to random access memory capacity.
The Phase I grant supported a six-month effort to develop a low-power 'green' battery with a 30-plus year shelf life that will power a SRAM (static random access memory) circuit for a computer device.
Others, painted from memory, seem to suspend random past moments before us in the present.
Non-Volatile Random-Access Memory.
But in-memory implementations would allow random access, which is much more useful, especially for a generation of programmers used to DBMS and vendors needing to sell WYSIWYG systems.
但是内存中处理若可以通过随机访问来实现的话,这对尤其是用数据库管理系统的程序员和销售WYSIWYG systems的销售商的一代人是非常有用的。
Primary memory is known as random access memory(RAM) and simple named memory.
A computer system could not operate without main memory, also called internal memory, primary memory, primary storage, random access memory (RAM), or simply memory.
A program used to read a program from an input device, and, usually, into some type of random access memory.
These resources can include random access memory (RAM), disk space, and processor resources.
These resources can include random access memory (RAM), disk space, and processor resources.