The polypeptide chains in elastin are present in a random arrangement.
There is somewhat different compressibility of the fiber assemblies between longitudinal, lateral and random arrangement.
Within its stout walls, I see a patchwork of tiled roofs. There is a random arrangement of colors — some a bold orange and others a faded yellowish-gray.
Cloth produced from a random arrangement or matting of natural or synthetic fibers held together by adhesives, heat and pressure, or needling; felt is an example.
The random atomic arrangement in the amorphous glass of optical fibers keeps the Raman effect small.
In addition, its arrangement of smooth muscle fibers and elastic fibers was random and disorganized.
Suppose it looks like a benevolent arrangement: why cannot the random motions of atoms create it, given an infinity of time?
You can choose one kind of style or make multi-kinds puzzle into one game, all the puzzles can be lined in a regular arrangement or random.
Have an arrangement beforehand: All should have plans in advance to the items which you must do every day. You will make a big mistake if you do them at random.
Have an arrangement beforehand: All should have plans in advance to the items which you must do every day. You will make a big mistake if you do them at random.