Recent perspectives in random matrix theory and number theory.
This course is an introduction to the basics of random matrix theory, motivated by engineering and scientific applications.
We also found that energy level distribution in quasicrystals follows the level statistics in the random matrix theory and quantum chaos.
By using random matrix theory we find that the distribution of eigenvalues of correlation matrix of relative return also follows a power-law.
Working with HIV proteins taken from a massive database, the team used random matrix theory to analyze HIV's genetic code and find groups of amino acids whose mutations were coordinated.
Lectures will be supplemented by reading materials and expert guest speakers, emphasizing the breadth of applications that rely on random matrix theory and the current state of the art.
We used random matrix theory (RMT) to remove the noises in lung cancer gene expression data and used the modules approach and the hierarchical clustering approach to construct the gene networks.
According to maximum likelihood theory, it fuses random samples coming from different matrix (same mean different variance) in an effective way, and gains a nwe estimator of matrix mean.
In this thesis, we use the Random-Matrix-Theory to revise the following calculating methods:(1) The heat capacity and the spin susceptibility of the normal metallic small particles;
本文采用随机矩阵理论,计算了: (1)正常态金属小粒子的电子热容和顺磁磁化率。
In this thesis, we use the Random-Matrix-Theory to revise the following calculating methods:(1) The heat capacity and the spin susceptibility of the normal metallic small particles;
本文采用随机矩阵理论,计算了: (1)正常态金属小粒子的电子热容和顺磁磁化率。