Just random thoughts in the quiet.
First, we put in some random thoughts.
Random thoughts for Valentine's Day, 2004.
I think I am just going to go for random thoughts.
Random thoughts: Turnovers were pretty bad, especially Francis.
We have random thoughts all the time, like day-dreaming about getting a raise at work.
Random and not so random thoughts on English in China. Tips, questions, and observations.
The Thots application serves as a diary or a personal journal where you can post random thoughts to it.
You can find all about my life, travelling, random thoughts, and anything inside and outside of me.
This blog is all about my travelling, photography, random thoughts and anything else interesting in my life.
Many troubles were caused by my own random thoughts, How I longed to have a light heart and be in a serene mood.
Random thoughts and pictures may keep popping in and you’ll have to keep pulling your attention back to the object again.
Random thoughts and pictures may keep popping in and you'll have to keep pulling your attention back to the object again.
Writing that is discovery forces the capturing, the retrieving, and the bringing into focus these stray and random thoughts.
Her blog is no more than a short collection of photos, videos, copy-and-pasted emails, random thoughts, links, and general over-sharing.
The Journal toolbar and SideNote you created are very useful for quickly saving and accessing random thoughts that you want to write down quickly.
Victoria Kaulen. Go alone one in front of Temple. Hands grip the knife was tightly. Random thoughts he guided him toward the road of no return.
Soaking in a committee member's advice, the grad student marvels at how the professor's random thoughts eclipse several months of his dissertation work.
Soon the mojito and the sun hit me and I began having random thoughts while wandering the already familiar streets and alleys of the decrepit Old Havana.
Impressions Record is a column in the Youth magazine that is dedicated to publish essays inspired by random thoughts, a rudiment form of Chinese modern essay.
In that, the prosperous vernacular prose in newspaper, especially random thoughts etc, is important reason, if the social and historical factors are excluded.
Eventually you will see that most thoughts are random and not really worth your time.
Learning to watch is the key, if you learn to not control your thoughts and remain passive, you will see that almost all your thoughts are random.
If you can see your thoughts just like the random jumping fish that they are, you simply choose to not become attached to them, because you know it will only lead you in endless circles.
If you can see your thoughts just like the random jumping fish that they are, you simply choose to not become attached to them, because you know it will only lead you in endless circles.