They promote Angry Birds and Cut the Rope as children's games that consistently rank among the most popular apps.
For this case not only can we distinguish some as good and others as bad but we can even make distinctions among the good. We can rank the good.
As an example, Inglehart points to the tolerant social norms systems in Denmark, Iceland, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Canada all of which rank among the 10 happiest countries in the world.
He's not nearly as efficient as Durant, and is much worse on defense, but there are still people who rank him as no. 2 among SFs.
These papers find that versions of this malloc increasingly rank as simultaneously among the most time - and space-efficient memory allocators available.
All of the patient's results are merged into a single score reported as a percentile rank among all cases with the same condition and compared to uniform interpretation guidelines.
The books we recently published with Global IELTS School as a partner rank among the top of IELTS books in the market.
Though several of the oldest structures are now secular, many still operate as houses of worship and typically rank among their home city's best architectural treasures.
Students of boxing will pore over the trio of Ali-Frazier fights, which rank among the greatest in fistic history, as one might read three acts of a great drama.
Students of boxing will pore over the trio of Ali-Frazier fights, which rank among the greatest in fistic history, as one might read three acts of a great drama.