Nouns take up the largest percent in all the word classes of WOFNMs, with verbs ranking the second place. In light of word formation, quite a lot of WOFNMs in network Chinese are compounds.
DARTMOUTH COLLEGE's Tuck School of Business takes first place in The Economist's ninth annual ranking of full-time MBA programmes, up from second position last year.
We are in the second place in the table of ranking.
DARTMOUTH COLLEGE's Tuck school of Business takes first place in The Economist's ninth annual ranking of full-time MBA programmes.The New Hampshire school has moved up from second position last year.
By the early 1970s, American students were ranking last among industrialized countries in seven of 19 tests of academic achievement and never made it to first or even second place in any of them.
People in second to last place in any ranking system don't want to help the people at the bottom because then they themselves would fall to last.
DARTMOUTH COLLEGE's Tuck school of Business takes first place in The Economist's ninth annual ranking of full-time MBA programmes. The New Hampshire school has moved up from second position last year.
We are in the second place in the table of ranking.
We are in the second place in the table of ranking.