Ren Jinxiang is waiting until September to seed rape on her field.
Bees pollinate 90 commercial crops worldwide, including most fruit and vegetables such as alfalfa, nuts, and oil-seed rape.
A 100ft circle was captured by crop circle authority Lucy Pringle in a field of oil seed rape near Silbury Hill, Wiltshire, on May 3.
They are used on oil seed rape, wheat, sugar bed and garden centre plants.
It pollinates 90 commercialcrops worldwide, including most fruit and vegetables – from apples tocarrots – alfalfa for cattle feed, nuts, oil-seed rape and cotton.
The results indicated that ripener could promote rape seed ripening by regulating the release of endogenous hormones.
Also rape seed yield per area in the mix cropping system was the highest.
Rape had the phenomenon of main head superiority, showed chiefly on pod number, also very significant at the seed number, TGW and quality.
The seed production bases for producing two-line hybrid rape varieties of Qianyou series bred by Guizhou Institute of Oil Crops have been established since 1996.
The effects of main antinutrients in soybean meal, rape seed meal and cotton seed meal on cultured fish, and some researching fields about antinutrients in fish nutrition in the future were reviewed.
Oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.), whose seed color usually includes yellow, brown and black, is one of the most important oilseed crops in the world.
The double-low rape seed oil is regarded as a kind of natural nutritive, due to rich in unsaturated fatty acid and superior in nutrition and health care function.
Here and there, the early crops were coming up. In one field, the golden blossoms of rape-seed plants emitted a heady fragrance.
The epoxidation technique of rape seed oil was improved and the effects of the reaction conditions on the viscosity of epoxidized oil was also studied.
The invention discloses a rape drought-resistance seed-soaking agent and a preparation method thereof.
Field trials show: compared with common NPKs, specialty fertilizers increase the yield of wheat by 5.9%, rape seed by 7.2%, rice by 7.3%, vegetable by 9.1%, and the application frequency is decreased.
The material, such as rape seed, a mung beam, radish seed, a seed of Vaccaria segetalis, magnetic bead, etc, can be used.
The maximum N absorption and K absorption of rape seed are under the N225 level.
The maximum N absorption and K absorption of rape seed are under the N225 level.