More manufacturers are following Tesla's lead to shun the rare-earth materials, although the move means sacrificing space and adding weight to vehicles.
Furthermore, this kind of action is just going to lead to massive subsidies to produce rare earths elsewherein the world (including the United States) and/or develop rare earth substitutes.
Many of these Afghan mineral priority areas, including the rare-earth rich Khanneshin, are world-class resources that could lead to significant commercial development.
So what are these rare earth metals? Well, most of them are not rare; that is just their name. Several are more common than copper, lead or silver.
Lead as impurity in RIG (rare earth iron garnet) Faraday rotators used for fibre optic communications systems.
The work has researched in adsorption and desorption of iodine and technetium on brass ore, lead glance, rare-earth hematite, antimony glance, molybdenite and iron pyrites and so on.
The paper presents some results obtained from a research about effects of rare-earth(RE)and boron(B)refining on the microstructure and dezincification corrosion properties of casting lead brass.
The principal metal mineral resources in this area are tungsten, tin, niobium, tantalum, lead, zinc, antimony, mercury and heavy rare-earth elements.
The principal metal mineral resources in this area are tungsten, tin, niobium, tantalum, lead, zinc, antimony, mercury and heavy rare-earth elements.