Secondly, mathematical model of time-resolved carrier density has been established on the base of semiconductor rate equation theory.
Using rate equation theory, the equation group including the population inversion density of the gain medium, photon density and the absorber ground state population density is acquired.
This chapter introduced the theory of laser mode, the rate equation theory, the spatial distribution of the pump laser and the oscillating laser and the single frequency detection device.
The rate equation theory researches the basic relation of the atomic spontaneous emission, stimulated emission and stimulated absorption, and it is the fundamental theoretical calculations.
Taking output laser power, slope efficiency as optimizing criterion, we achieve output optimal mirror transparency and pump lights parameters by numeric computing according to rate equation theory.
On the basis of distribution of radioactive elements and geological background, the theory equation of radon exhalation rate is derived from the decay rule of radioactive elements and gas diffusion.
Staring from the rate-equation theory , according to the field distribution function , some simple mathmatical simulations are made which meet the experiment better.
When Q-switch and gain switch were applied the peak pulse power was increased and pulse width decreased. A comparison of experimental data with rate-equation theory was made, and agreed well.
Generally, physicists derive steady-state degree distribution of networks by using the mean-field theory, master-equation and rate-equation approach, but their methods are not rigorous mathematically.
Generally, physicists derive steady-state degree distribution of networks by using the mean-field theory, master-equation and rate-equation approach, but their methods are not rigorous mathematically.