They disappear these days at the rate of 25 a day, and I mean regardless of our behavior.
If the failure is defined as the final fracture of a component, then both S-N curves and crack growth rate curves reflect the fundamental material behavior under fatigue loading.
如果都把一个构件的最终断裂作为疲劳破坏的定义,则S - N曲线和裂纹扩展率曲线均是反映金属在疲劳载荷作用下的基本材料特性。
The compound of Alkali Surfactant Polymer (ASP) is a kind of viscoelastic fluid, its rheological behavior can be formulated by power law model in simple shear flow within medium shear rate.
This provides a feasible testing method for studying the behavior and constitutive relation of rock failure with medium stain rate under dynamical loading or static and dynamical combination loading.
It builds up a stochastic volatility interest rate term structure model to describe the behavior of financial market repo rate of national debt in China.
The results show that children in divorced families have a high rate of behavior problems and these problems are significantly related to their mothers' rearing patterns.
Aim Dynamical behavior of a kind of nonlinear SEIRS model of epidemic spread with the saturated rate, which has infective force in both latent period and infected period, is studied.
Strategic behavior of policy selection shows that the managed floating exchange rate regime with market entering restriction could not become a Nash equilibrium.
The dynamic behavior of a kind of SIR epidemiological model with general nonlinear saturated contact rate is considered under vaccination.
This synchronized loops to a predictable rate based on the refresh rate of the monitor, but with the advent of customizable refresh settings this leads again to unpredictable loop behavior.
The behavior of a risk averse competitive exporting firm which is exposed to revenue risk due to a randomly fluctuating exchange rate is studied.
Put forward to reduce the accident rate measures. Then, risk the dangerous of driving behavior in a scientific and reasonable method.
In a 28 day feeding test with rats and a 8 day feeding test with quail, no adverse effects on rats or quails were observed in terms of animal behavior, weight gain and feed utilization rate.
A modified Lagrangian analysis was adopted to study the dynamic mechanical behavior of rate-dependent materials based on particle velocity profile measurement.
The stress corrosion cracking(SCC)behavior of X70 steel welded joint was investigated in a near-neutral pH solution by fluctuant slow strain rate test(F-SSRT).
The stress corrosion cracking(SCC)behavior of X70 steel welded joint was investigated in a near-neutral pH solution by fluctuant slow strain rate test(F-SSRT).