Increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases are likely to accelerate the rate of climate change.
If we could reduce the amount of CO2, perhaps the rate of climate change could also be slowed down.
It simply means that the road to making reductions significant enough to affect the rate of climate change is much longer than expected.
The rate of climate change could be unprecedented in the recent geologic history and have large effects on the terrestrial biosphere.
Rogers worries that a blind jump to gas could leave the country dependent on yet another fossil resource, without stemming the rate of climate change.
Previous studies have shown how falling aerosol pollution will affect the rate of global climate change.
To avoid dangerous climate change we will have to limit the total amount of carbon we inject into the atmosphere, not just the emission rate in any given year.
But public opinion and a string of recent controversies-from East Anglia's controversial stolen e-mails to the mistaken rate of Himalayan glacier melt-have clouded climate change headlines.
This is concrete evidence of how climate change is altering the face of the planet forever - and doing so at an alarming and accelerating rate.
Further analyses show the variation of earth rotation rate and sunspot cycle length have important role on the climate abrupt change in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau.
To explore and study those loess profiles with high resolution and sedimentary rate would be helpful to investigate some problems about mechanism of climate change in East Asia monsoon region.
The ice provides a way of gauging the effects of climate change, and the city is doing what it can to slow the rate of carbon emissions.
How fast are humans mutating? Humans seem to have accelerated the pace of just about everything from communication to climate change, but the rate of our genetic mutation remains slow and steady.
Recent reports of greenhouse gas intensity increasing at a rate of 3.3% per year provide the strongest basis for the radical view that it is too late to "fix" the climate change problem.
Change regular of date transpiration rate of different tree species have obvious different under different month and climate.
The doubling of this rate is a testament to how poorly the international community has been in implementing climate change mitigation response.
The minimal growth rate is often indicative of cold climate and even depositional break and sudden change of climate and geology and hazardous events.
In light of climate change, the future climatic regime is difficult to be predicted, i. e. sea-level rise, land subsidence, frequencies and intensities of storm, precipitation rate, etc.
The overwhelming majority of scientists now agree that our globe is undergoing major climate change. They also agree that the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is rising at a terrifying rate.
The overwhelming majority of scientists now agree that our globe is undergoing major climate change. They also agree that the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is rising at a terrifying rate.