Until marriage again becomes the serious and important part of people's lives, we will probably continue to see a high rate of divorce.
B The rate of divorce has actually decreased.
In the past thirty years, the rate of divorce has risen dramatically.
At the same time the rate of divorce is rising, as is the number of illegitimate babies.
The overall rate of divorce, however, appears to be unaffected by the advent of social networking.
Why is the rate of divorce so high in America? 2. I don't like to express my feeling before others.
When a husband withdraws angrily or smolderingly, the rate of divorce increases by about a quarter over time.
However, numerous researchers are finding that couples who live together have a higher rate of divorce than couples who don't cohabit before marrying.
During the past 50 years the rate of divorce in the United States has exploded: almost 50% of marriages end in divorce now, and the evidence suggests it is going to get worse.
The divorce rate rose again during the rest of the decade as the recovery took hold.
Once education was factored in, the NCFMR found, with the exception of Asians, the highest rate of first divorce was among women with some college, regardless of race or ethnicity.
Once education was factored in the NCFMR found with the exception of Asians the highest rate of first divorce was among women with some college regardless of race or ethnicity.
Among black women, half of first marriages end in divorce, a rate that is far greater those for white, Hispanic and Asian women.
A Marist poll showed that 97 percent of men and 94 percent of women are convinced they found the one, a finding which surprised researchers because of the country's high divorce rate.
Ten years later, in 1946, the divorce rate in this country had reached the alarming figure of 37 percent.
A high divorce rate, an increase in single-parent households, a rise in the number of unmarried parents-all this suggests that American families are no longer what they used to be.
Within a decade of the introduction of the divorce Act, the total divorce rate rose from 14% of all marriages in 1989 to 30% in 2006.
In the past decade, the Japanese divorce rate, while still well below that of the United States, has increased by more than 50 percent, and suicides have increased by nearly one-quarter.
Among women in a first marriage the rate of first divorce is highest for those who received some education after high school but have not earned a bachelor's degree - 23 per 1 000.
首次结婚的女性中,高中后接受过一些教育但没有获得学士学位的人离婚率最高- - -每千人中就有23个。
Among women in a first marriage, the rate of first divorce is highest for those who received some education after high school, but have not earned a bachelor's degree - 23 per 1,000.
首次结婚的女性中,高中后接受过一些教育但没有获得学士学位的人离婚率最高- - -每千人中就有23个。
The divorce rate in Spain has dropped 30% from May compared to last year because of the economic downturn, according to Spanish media. Spain once had one of the highest divorce rates in the EU.
The least (no high school diploma or GED) and the highest (college degree) educated women share the lowest rate of first divorce with 14.4 and 14.2 per 1 000 respectively.
The study included diagnoses of both cancer and multiple sclerosis and found an overall divorce rate of nearly 12 percent, which is similar to that found in the normal population.
The phenomenon is a result of the nation's rising divorce rate, changing demographics and the comfort of the stores themselves.
The phenomenon is a result of the nation's rising divorce rate, changing demographics and the comfort of the stores themselves.