The rate of population increase began to slow.
The rate of population increase has been ratcheting downward.
Tajikistan had an particularly high birth rate and the highest rate of population increase of all the former Soviet republics.
Consequently, the survival rate of lobster larvae must be going up, and the lobster population in Foerkland's coastal waters is bound to increase.
This means its population is growing at about 2pc per year – and as the young start to have families of their own, the rate of population growth will increase.
After rising by 1.3% a year during the decade to 2005, the population of working age is expected to increase at an annual rate of 0.7% until 2015, and then shrink by 0.1% a year until 2025.
The rapid “postshock” bounce of the population growth rate in the late 17th century was related to the dramatically reduced population size and the coupled increase of food supply per capita.
These cable, phone and satellite companies showed a combined gain of 66, 700 video subscribers, or a 0.3 percent increase at an annualized rate, about a third the growth of the population.
These cable, phone and satellite companies showed a combined gain of 66,700 video subscribers, or a 0.3 percent increase at an annualized rate, about a third the growth of the population.
The unemployment rate actually rose, to 9.1%, in May: the rate of job creation is barely keeping track with the natural increase in the working-age population.
The features of Pakistani demography are indicated as excessive increase rate of population, huge number of poverty-stricken people, lowering quality of population, and distorted urbanization.
Therefore, the effective measures are to increase vaccination rate and immunity of the specific group, decrease the susceptible population and intensify epidemic monitoring.
Retirement effect — the increase (decrease) of the percentage of the population composed of individuals over 65 years of age induced by a low (high) population growth rate.
In Europe, 34 per cent of the population is predicted to be above 60 in the next 35 years because of the declining fertility rate and increase in longevity.
Over the past 50 years, the rate of increase in population has been fastest in the least developed countries.
Its net reproductive rate, the intrinsic rate of increase and the increment rate per unit were high, but its generation span and the time of double population size were low.
The effect of crowding and physiological stress and shortage of food resources were the main reasons for the decline of population natality and yearly increase rate.
In this paper, the population model which the velocity of the preying rate of the predator population changes when quantities of the prey population increase is concerned.
After a steady increase for 5 years, the country's rate of population shows signs of dropping.
The hypothesis implies, second, that a rising share of population in the workforce will also result in an increase in the saving rate.
Along with the old age of population in recent years, the outbreak rate of Fecal Incontinence is becoming higher and higher, and with age enlarge but increase.
The population rate of increase is declining.
At present, China's elderly population is 130 million, accounting for one fifth of the world's elderly population, and continues to increase at an average annual rate of 3.2%.
As a rough approximation of the rate of income growth per capita, one can subtract the rate of increase in population from the rate of growth in total income.
As a rough approximation of the rate of income growth per capita, one can subtract the rate of increase in population from the rate of growth in total income.