In the recent experiments, scientists found they could control the rate of weight gain in the rats with dietary doxycycline, which essentially verified they were controlling the GDNF therapy.
Physical activity reduced weight gain, while alcohol consumption added weight at the rate of 0.41lbs per drink per day.
That way, you'll automatically slow the rate of their weight gain while they continue to grow in height.
Physical activity reduced weight gain, while alcohol consumption added weight at the rate of 0.41lbs per drink per day.
The weight of WPC gained in the artificial simulated fungus conditions and the gain rate was 0.78%.
The experiment was conducted to examine the effects of cysteamine (CS) on body weight gain and feed conversion rate in sheep.
That way, you'll automatically slow the rate of their weight gain while they continue to grow in height.
The results showed that there were significant decreases in length increment, special growth rate and daily weight gain of the juveniles with the increase in stocking density increase.
The increasing weight gain by UGF surces is not caused by the increment of protein retention rate.
The results showed that with increasing rearing density, the specific growth rate (SGR) and daily weight gain (DWG) of juvenile A.
In a 28 day feeding test with rats and a 8 day feeding test with quail, no adverse effects on rats or quails were observed in terms of animal behavior, weight gain and feed utilization rate.
Regression analysis based on weight gain rate indicates that the optimal dietary taurine content of grouper is 1.04%.
The compact and small particle oxide film was very corrosion resistant. The weight gain rate of samples declined very much firstly, and then changed little.
The feed has the merits of high conversion rate, quick result, good fattening effect, and can realize ideal daily weight gain, shorten cycle of slaughter, increase slaughter rate.
饲料转化率高,见效快,育肥效果好,能 达到理想的日增重,缩短出栏周期,提高出栏率。
The feed has the merits of high conversion rate, quick result, good fattening effect, and can realize ideal daily weight gain, shorten cycle of slaughter, increase slaughter rate.
饲料转化率高,见效快,育肥效果好,能 达到理想的日增重,缩短出栏周期,提高出栏率。