The motor is permitted to directly start in conditions of rated voltage and rated frequency.
When ordering, please state the type, rated power, rated voltage, rated frequency, speed and speed ratio etc.
Rated frequency is 50Hz. The JP2 double-speed finishing motors are with speed-change switch for changing quick or slow speed easily.
A simple standard frequency tunable method which can be used to measure frequency switching time under the rated frequency deviation is presented.
DD862 single phase watt-hour meter is an induction meter which is applicable to measure the rated frequency of 50 Hz, and power loss of single-phase intercourse grid.
All through the clinical trials, all side effects are being reported and catalogued. The side effects are rated as to severity and frequency.
They rated each ritual's frequency and the level of arousal involved.
Servo motor has small start frequency, can quickly from the lowest revolution accelerated to the rated speed.
MW variable speed constant frequency wind turbine from shenyang university of technology is a variable pitch wind turbine, it can change pitch to adjust power above rated wind speed.
Servo motor have small start frequency, can quickly from the lowest revolution accelerated to the rated speed.
Three experiments were made to investigate the effects of the rated age of word acquisition (AoA) and word frequency on the identification of Chinese double character words.
In addition, the output frequency of a motor generator set shall not vary by more than 5% when operated at rated output voltage and current.
This frequency range is proximate to main vibration frequency of the traction machine at rated speed, and, according to this, measures against elevator resonance are proposed.
The variable speed constant frequency double-fed wind power system is taken as the research object and the control problem of maximum wind energy tracing below the rated wind speed is studied.
The product is suitable fuse in power distribution lines fixed installations with rated power-frequency voltage up to and including 0.6/1KV.
Wind turbine generators have the biggest influence on grid frequency when the generators trip and exit the power grid at rated active output power.
Thee product is suitable for use in power distribution lines or fixedinsta-llations with rated power-frequency voltage up to and including 0.6/1KV.
本产品适用于工频额定电压0.6/1KV及以下配电网或工业装置中固定敷设之用。 。
Thee product is suitable for use in power distribution lines or fixedinsta-llations with rated power-frequency voltage up to and including 0.6/1KV.
本产品适用于工频额定电压0.6/1KV及以下配电网或工业装置中固定敷设之用。 。