Rated primary current, rated voltage ratio, accuracy combination, rated output, rated dynamic and thermal current see form.
Rated primary current, accuracy combination, rated output, rated dynamic and thermal current see form.
Under all conditions, the difference of output current between inverters is less than 2 % of rated current.
If the efficiency of servo amplifier is considered, it is practicable that the power supply voltage is about 3 times as large as the servo amplifier output voltage corresponding to rated current.
Efficiency of rectifier module has relationship with its output current. Power supply works in low efficiency condition because output current below rated current far away.
In addition, the output frequency of a motor generator set shall not vary by more than 5% when operated at rated output voltage and current.
P. S. :The peak current or power should be tested when other output of DC overshoot rated load, and the peak current pulse widens within 100ms.
The V COM amplifiers are rated for 60mA continuous output current and 200mA peak.
采用V 的COM放大器的额定60mA的连续输出电流和200mA的峰值。
The V COM amplifiers are rated for 60mA continuous output current and 200mA peak.
采用V 的COM放大器的额定60mA的连续输出电流和200mA的峰值。