And the fact that the SPARQL query language has come out now means that all kinds of data can be surfaced as RDF.
The Simple Protocol and RDF Query Language (or SPARQL, pronounced 'sparkle') is an SQL-like syntax for expressing queries against RDF data, and the queries themselves look and act like RDF data.
简单协议和RDF查询语言(SimpleProtocol and RDF Query Language,SPARQL,发音为 “sparkle”)是一个与SQL 类似的语法,用于针对 RDF数据表示查询,并且查询本身外观和行为都与 RDF 数据类似。
Simple Protocol and RDF Query Language (SPARQL — pronounced "sparkle") is the language typically used to query against that data, as it syntactically matches the structure of RDF itself.
简单协议和RDF查询语言(Simple Protocol and RDF Query Language,SPARQL —发音为 “sparkle”)是通常用于针对该数据进行查询的语言,因为它在语句构成上匹配 RDF本身的结构。
SPARQL is a standardized query language for RDF data which offers developers a way to write queries across the wide range of RDF information on the web.
SPARQL is a standardized query language for RDF data which offers developers a way to write queries across the wide range of RDF information on the web.