Seamless (re) deployment of services at run time.
With REOPT ALWAYS, the query will be re-compiled and the access plan will be re-generated based on run-time value.
通过使用REOPT ALWAYS,这个查询将会重新编译,而这个存取计划将基于运行时值重新生成。
During this time period, the user can re-run the command without being prompted for the password (that's the user's own password).
The clock continues to run through breeding time, then stops-to be re-wound again the next fall.
Once this time allotment has ended, the user is prompted for the password again to re-run the command.
You can click on the results folder and it shows all the results you have generated, without having to re-run the model each time.
In Version 6.1, the application server was re-architected by being divided into a set of run time components that together make up the application server.
在Version 6.1中,应用程序服务器经过了重新设计,被划分为一组运行时组件,这些组件合起来构成应用程序服务器。
Then you will re-visit the Standard Report Creation Wizard, sub-step 9 of Step 2, to use this data source for making the JNDI connection at run time.
The performance test describe which modules are executing most often or using the most computer time and those modules will be re-examined and retested to run more quickly.
Note: Re-query the form (query - run) every time after changing the APPS password.
As he crossed the street he did not have full control over his handlebars — it was the first time he had run into anyone since re turning to Beijing.
As he crossed the street he did not have full control over his handlebars — it was the first time he had run into anyone since re turning to Beijing.