The writer held that with the inhaling fully and the push block breath system, it could make the cavity re distend in the blowing, then the problem of choking would be solved.
通过吸气饱满及推、挡气功能系统的合理对抗,使腔体在吹奏中产生“二次膨胀” ,“憋气”问题便会得到解决。
The writer held that with the inhaling fully and the push block breath system, it could make the cavity re distend in the blowing, then the problem of choking would be solved.
通过吸气饱满及推、挡气功能系统的合理对抗,使腔体在吹奏中产生“二次膨胀” ,“憋气”问题便会得到解决。