The reaction force to this action force pushes rocket ship along.
The ground reaction force during jumps is measured by a force platform.
Low reaction force, less surface pressure, reasonable energy absorption.
Low reaction force, high energy absorption. Easy to be installed and main-tained.
Suitable reaction force, with higher energy absorption than cylindrical rubber fender.
Oblique plate on the plunger of the reaction force F is decomposed into axial force Fx and vertical Fy.
Cylindrical type rubber fender has low reaction force, little surface pressure, reasonable energy absorb.
The difference of reaction force in inner and outer side and influencing factor are also discussed in this thesis.
Objective: To investigate the effect of shoe heel height on the ground reaction force and the center of sole force.
The reaction force, that is extracting force, is solved directly by coupling DOFS of nodes and loading the DOFS nodes displacement.
The result shows that the maximum of the impact loads on airframe and the maximal ground reaction force are reduced 37.3% and 37.2% respectively.
The inertial force and supporting reaction force created by the vibration of rotors with axle are regarded as external forces on the axle in this paper.
Method:A 3-D force platform for detecting the ground reaction forces and a special software for data acquisition, calculation and analysis were developed.
The construction of static pressure is to press the pile into the soil with reaction force provided by the static pile driver weight, and balance weight on the rack.
If an arm is stretched forward under water resistance is increased and a reaction force back ward is developed both of which would contribute to negative acceleration.
This method can not only be used to draw shear force diagram quickly, but also to determine the shear sign automatically, and to verify the reaction force of multi-span beam.
The static characteristics of the single pylon cable-stayed include the internal force and deformation of main girder, reaction force, force and deformation of the main tower.
When the hydraulic pressure tunnel is pressed by water, the concrete of tunnel transfers the pressure to the surrounding rock mass, and it also is pressed by the rock reaction force at the same time.
This is probably an instinctive reaction to force you to carefully examine what you're going to eat before you swallow.
The reaction to this radiation is greater on the afternoon side than on the morning side and there is thus a small force pushing on the afternoon side that gradually distorts the asteroid's orbit.
This report described an Apache helicopter firing warning shots after coming under fire. Its reaction was described as “an escalation of force.”
There is an opposing trend in reaction, that views such changes as a socially destructive force, and is opposed to them.
A force which ACTS on an object is opposed by an equal and opposite reaction.
The Second Artillery Force has been equipped with short-range, medium-range, long-range and intercontinental missile systems, and has the capability of rapid reaction and mobile operations.
Worm compressor in the process of compressed gas, also will inevitably suffer reaction of gas, the force is also in the worm into big radial force and axial force.
The hitter then used this natural reaction to come up FULL FORCE with a "heel of hand" blow under the chin. Result was usually a broken neck.
It contains three situations: both of force and reaction do not work;
The reaction is the force F'exerted by the block on the man.
The reaction is the force F'exerted by the block on the man.