The method and the process to establish lumped kinetic model of tetralin hydrocracking have been discussed according to the mechanism of pseudo first order reaction.
Combined the engine cycle simulation software BOOST and the detailed mechanism of ethanol chemical reaction kinetics, a single-zone model of ethanol HCCI engine was established.
The kinetic model of consecutive reaction for chlorination of benzyl chloride was built by analyzing the reaction mechanism and macroscopic stage.
Analyzing from the whole reaction mechanism model, the model could be divided into two parts: hydrocarbon trans - forming mechanism and nitrogen components transforming mechanism.
Upon the analysis of the experimental data and the reaction mechanism, the kinetic model with inhibition of reactants was presented.
According to reaction mechanism, it determined the variables of the inputs, outputs and intermediate state quantities in the neural network model.
At the beginning of the reaction, the dissolution process is a chemical control process, and the reaction mechanism is in accordance with shrink core model.
On the basis of the analysis of primary reaction, secondary reaction and main products formation, the mechanism model of cellulose pyrolysis was proposed.
Fermentation process is a biochemical process related to biotic activity of microbes, and its reaction mechanism is very complicated, so the theoretical model have not yet applied.
The catalytic mechanism was proposed and the kinetic mathematical model of the catalytic reaction for obtaining the thermodynamic and kinetic pa.
The catalytic mechanism was proposed and the kinetic mathematical model of the catalytic reaction for obtaining the thermodynamic and kinetic pa.